The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Teaching and Learning

Rationale behind our curriculum: 

We intend our curriculum to support the Trust ambition that we 'inspire learners and change lifelong learners, opening their eyes to possibilities, developing ambition and aspiration.

We believe that our learning behaviours of: Be inquisitive , Be resilient , Be ambitious , Be focussed , Be emotionally intelligent will enable our children to have successful futures and be good citizens.

Our curriculum design reflects the diversity of the community and oracy is at its heart. It is relatable and meaningful to our children and their families. We carefully balance the requirement for pupils to reach Age Related Expectations (EXS) in core subjects with our wider curriculum aims of providing a balanced range of enriching experiences. Physical and mental well-being are both valued and prioritised.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is coherently sequenced with the primary aim to build knowledge. It is relevant, challenging and underpinned by the National curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to be accessible and meet the needs of ALL children. We have created progression documents that map core knowledge and identify what we intend children to learn, know and be able to do at each stage in their journey through primary school and beyond. This provides the children with the opportunity to revisit vital skills and knowledge regularly and embed their learning; therefore becoming experts. 

Curriculum plans are based on engaging topics such as 'Roots and Shoots which is a Year 2 science based theme about plants. Much of our teaching and learning at Heybridge Primary stems from ‘real life’ experiences. Learning in every subject is sequenced appropriately to ensure depth and mastery of a subject which directly mirrors our Mathematics Mastery approach for teaching maths. We have implemented a skill progression framework for all subjects which ensures learning is progressive but also provides our children with the vital opportunity to revisit skills and knowledge regularly to embed and master learning.  Our foundation subjects of Computing, Art, Design and Technology, Music, Geography and History are taught in blocked units for a number of weeks which allows for a greater depth and understanding for our pupils. Science, RSHE, and Spanish are taught every week as well as Handwriting sessions. 



At Heybridge, effective teaching and learning is underpinned by the TKAT teaching pyramid:

Prior knowledge, explicit instruction, scaffolding, deliberate practice and secure consolidation are the foundations of our teaching and learning practice. 

Children’s progress is measured against the core knowledge we expect them to have remembered at each stage of their learning. Regular revisits and reviews of prior learning, low stakes quizzing and standardised testing of identified core knowledge ensures curriculum intent is being met.

If you require additional information about how we learn and our curriculum, please email The Senior Leadership Team at