The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Our Vision and Values

At Heybridge we are committed to building a culture where our values are evident in our everyday working, where respect and care for each other underpin our aspiration to inspire all children to be SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS.

Our moral compass is set by the belief that every child should never face a barrier to achieve in education, and, it is on that premise, that our philosophy of education is based.  Our motivation as professionals within Heybridge Primary School, within our local community and within the wider Trust has always been to ensure that all children can access the same opportunities and experiences whilst proudly celebrating their unique differences and backgrounds. 

At Heybridge Primary School we are aspirational for every child and therefore have very high expectations, achieving extremely high standards for all and ensuring that all children fulfil their learning potential during their time with us. We believe first in the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics as the underpinning foundations to learning and therefore ensure that every child develops these throughout their journey at Heybridge.

We also ensure that every child reaches the high expectations we have for them in all other subjects on the curriculum and strive to spot talents in curriculum areas so that children can also excel in subjects where they are particularly skilled or have keen interest.

At Heybridge we expect children to behave well and put precise measures in place to ensure that this is the case to ensure no learning opportunity is diminished. We instil strong learning behaviours in children, providing them with the tools and attributes to access every learning opportunity in the most effective way possible.

Capes and Medals of Success

Promoting effective learning behaviours at Heybridge Primary School is fundamental to our school moto 'INSPIRING SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS' to be the best they can be.

A learning behaviour can be thought of as a behaviour that is necessary in order for a person to learn effectively in the group setting of the classroom (Ellis and Todd, 2018). EEF research

Learning behaviours are about more than managing ‘misbehaviour’in the classroom, they are about building long term protective factors for deeper learning.  As we teach these, developing and strengthening learning behaviours in our pupils, they become more motivated and determined to succeed.

Each cape and medal of success represents a Learning Behaviour children can demonstrate to become Successful learners.  Key Stage One children are awarded a cape of success and in Key Stage Two;  a medal for showing one of our 5 key Learning Behaviours:

  1. Resilience - Being able to recover quickly from difficulties 

  2. Drive - Go over and above to achieve your goals.

  3. Quality - Always try your best with the presentation of your learning.

  4. Concentration - Think hard about your learning.

  5. Independence - Try to have a go on your own.



At Heybridge we celebrate and value the uniqueness of every individual in our school community.  We believe strongly in inclusion and equality and that every child should be able to access every aspect of school life as fully as possible. We provide an SEN-friendly learning environment throughout the school, ensuring as much as possible that barriers to learning are removed or reduced.  We aim to remove any potential barriers and ensure that there is an equity of experience and opportunity through precise planning and liaison.

At Heybridge, we are acutely aware of the importance of strong wellbeing and positive mental health and therefore strive to ensure that all members of the school community are supported, that tangible wellbeing focus is provided and that mental health support is accessible when needed most.

Children are the heart of a school at Heybridge. We believe in children being leaders, having responsibilities and guiding the school experience where possible. We develop opportunities for children to take on roles throughout the school to acquire leadership skills and have a clear voice.

At Heybridge, we value the input of parents as a significant contributor in a child’s learning and school experience. We provide opportunities for parents to engage with their child’s learning, including attending class assemblies and joining parent workshops and groups.

The wider school experience is an essential aspect of a child’s time at Heybridge. We therefore strive to provide a wide and rich range of experiences and opportunities for children to go beyond the school day. We provide a wide range of clubs, covering a variety of interests. We strive to allow as many children as possible to represent the school with pride and therefore maximise sporting competition, musical performance and showcase learning in creative subjects as much as possible through art exhibitions.

We again value the contribution of parents in wider school life and have therefore developed an active and effective PTA, which organises and leads successful events for the school community.

Every aspect of the school experience at Heybridge Primary is precisely designed to ensure that every child aims high; spreads their wings; and learn without limits in every way possible.